Transcription termination factor Rho <p>Rho-dependent transcription terminators participate in sophisticated genetic regulatory mechanisms, in both bacteria and phages; they occur in regulatory regions preceding the coding sequences of genes and within coding sequences, as well as at the end of transcriptional units, to prevent read through transcription. Rho is the main factor required for termination; it is a ring-shaped hexameric protein with ATPase and helicase activities. Rho-dependent termination occurs by binding of Rho to ribosome-free mRNA, C-rich sites being good candidates for binding. Rho's ATPase is activated by Rho-mRNA binding, and provides the energy for Rho translocation along the mRNA; translocation requires sliding of the message into the central hole of the hexamer. When a polymerase pause site is encountered, the actual termination occurs, and the transcript is released by Rho's helicase activity [<cite idref="PUB00045823"/>].</p>